Sunday, November 18, 2012

Starting Over

Starting my diet, or what I prefer to call my lifestyle change, was one of the easiest decisions I have made, it was fast, easy, and fun.... at first! I lost 36 pounds in approximately 6 weeks... I felt great, had more energy than I had in years and all of the sudden thought I knew everything there was to know about dieting and weight loss.  And then, after the initial honeymoon period mixed with our elliptical machine breaking, and the end of the summer cookouts, parties, and craving for all food that is unhealthy I took a two month break from my healthy lifestyle.  During these few months I gained 10 pounds back and dealt with all the guilt that comes with that... Waiting in the drive through line I would try to talk myself out of ordering whatever greasy thing I was craving, but I simply didn't care.  I didn't care about healthy food or exercising, I didn't care that I  started to notice the extra pounds back, I didn't care that stairs were starting to be my enemy once again.  I was completely happy indulging in whatever I wanted.  I was surprised by almost as quickly as I changed my ways overnight that I could so easily change for the worse overnight!

But then I was reminded by our super amazing closed friend Paula that any decisions I made to improve my health was HUGE.  Although I had gotten to the point where I was starting to plateau and lose focus any healthy decision, whether it was a better food choice or going for a few minute walk on lunch added tremendously to my overall health, both immediate and future.  I also reminded myself of the years of poor choices and genetics that contribute to my father dying far before his time at the age of 60.  I remembered all of the struggles that he faced, and of the constant worry that it all brought to those who loved him, especially my Mom and siblings.  I know how much I worried and feared for my Dad, and I don't want Eli to have those same concerns when I'm older, atleast until he is MUCH older.  The poor health of our parents and the amount of stress and worry that my wife and I have over our parents is things that most 30 year old couples don't think about. I feel like we are dealing with decisions and facing challenges 10-20 years before we should be.  And in my Dad's case, these were for many years.  In another seven or so years Eli will be the same age I was when my Dad had his first heart attack... this boggles my mind!! In seven years I want Eli to worry about being a kid, not wondering, and sadly, waiting for me to worsen health wise, or worse.

So, a week ago I started getting back into the swing of things, going for walks, better meal choices, etc.  I quickly got back to an overall 30 pound weight loss and am encourage by my refocused vision.  Also, my cousin had posted on facebook that he had started using the My FitnessPal app and had asked for others to consider using it and help keep him accountable.  I started an account and am enjoying staying connected to my aunt and three of my cousins.  I really enjoy the accountability factor that the app brings.

Today I felt like I needed to do something BIG, although as Paula reminded me that the small simple decisions are big steps I felt like I needed to step up my game as a way to help solidify my decisions to get back in the game.  I stopped at my Mom's house and decided to go for a walk.  At first I planned on doing a mile, but as I started out and had time to think about everything, especially my Dad, I really wanted to show him that I was serious about all of this, so I thought what better way then to walk to the cemetery to do so.  I had no idea how far it was from her house, In the car it is only 10 minutes away, that's not too far right? WRONG! I walked 4 miles to have a visit with my Dad, I know how proud he would be of me for doing all this.  As I started to get tired and felt my legs would give out I thought about my dad, and how much he would have given to walk 4 feet as he spent the last several years of his life in a wheelchair.   I thanked God for the strong legs that I do have now, and how although I'm overweight I am still mobile and relatively quick!

But before I start to sound like a know it all .... again... I have to knock myself down a peg or two and admit that after starting back I called for a ride! :)  Thanks Jessica.