Saturday, October 13, 2012

Visit to the Doctor

A few weeks ago I went back to my primary care physcian for follow up.  I went into my appointment both confident and nervous all in one.  I know that I had made great strides in improving my health, but I also knew that I hadn't been doing as well as I could lately.  Old habits are starting to creep back in!

My doctor walked in, looked at me, looked at the chart, and looked back and me and said "WOW, you've lost weight!!".    After getting some results, I brought my A1c down to normal levels, my fasting glucose was 46 points lower, my good cholesterol went up 8 points, and my bad cholesterol went down!! I have lost 37 pounds and I do feel so much better!

I am appreciated of all those who continue to encourage me!   Thanks Paula!! :)